Our Consultants

Ma’Jenaya Johnson

Ceo/ Lead Homelessness Consultant

“Homelessness was meant to destroy me, instead it lead me to my purpose and made me unstoppable! I am so blessed and fortunate to able to give others with lived experience of any kind the opportunity to use the very thing(s) that was intended to ruin them, to exult them to higher heights socially, emotionally and financially.”

Bin Userkaf

Lead LGBTQIA+ Consultant

“My varying life experiences and vast inner circle make me open-minded and eager to learn about others. Also, my own struggles with self-doubt and confidence that empower me to create spaces where silenced voices can be heard!”

“At MJ to the Third Power, we believe that every story is a journey that continues to evolve. With that being said, we refuse to allow the perpetuation of stigmas and discrimination. We are dedicated to defending, protecting and uplifting the voices of Detroiters.”

— Mj to the Third Power mantra

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